Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ponderings from "Prince Caspian" by CS Lewis

Katie and I just finished reading Prince Caspian, written by CS Lewis and soaked up the story. We began the book last Thursday and couldn't help but get sucked into the story! Katie had already read the book but had forgotten most of the details. I also started reading it to Katie (but never finished) while she was in labor with Ellie to take her mind off of the pain ;)! We recommend it highly!

1) (Steve) As they were travelling up from the ruins of Cair Paravel to Aslan's How, Susan (or Queen Susan in Narnia) despite feeling the presence of Aslan's leading, preferred to follow her own preferences, resulting in steps away from thier destination.

Pondering: Do you feel God's leading? Do you feel His presence guiding you to take a step here or turn there? Do not dare to do anything but step in the path he is guiding, do not dare to take the "easy" road of your own preference. Not only will it result in possible pain or dissapointment, but you will be missing out on the joys and delights of God's plans to work through you!

2) (Katie) "For now Aslan had stopped and turned and stood facing them looking so majestic that they felt as glad as anyone can who feels afraid, and as afraid as anyone can who feels glad"

Pondering: I thought this scene captured well the pull I feel in my own relationship with God... Trembling at His holiness but joyful of His love.

3) (Katie) "Aslan said, 'You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve and that is both honor enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emporer on earth. Be content.' "

Pondering: I thought this was a good description of the complexity of us human beings. Being human is filled with honor for we are God's creation and unique among all creation, we are God's image bearers. That is quite an honor! And yet... we are human... bearing much shame because we'ce broken our communion with God and have brought the whole realm of creation down with us. Talk about letting down the team!

So that is some of our reflection of this fabulous book. I think it might be my (Katie's) favorite Narnia book yet. (I have not yet read all of them!)


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